We make you think different
We help our clients transform their social housing practices by re-working attitudes towards data, promoting shared understanding between departments and embedding best practise and prompt relevant management information organisation-wide
Working smarter, together
Social housing operational systems represent massive investments, as does the data they hold. With a Big Data approach, information or processes inadequacies of existing systems can be resolved immediately, and future flexibility embedded within an organisations Business Intelligence without the massive replacement costs traditionally required. This may become particularly relevant as areas such as HHSRS, Decency and other quality standards, disrepair claims, damp and mould and related actions are both reviewed and more tightly regulated over the coming months. Traditional systems may not keep pace with the legislative needs created.
Our team has vast experience of harvesting pertinent data to produce meaningful reports and innovative analytics. Recent projects include:
an automatically updated social housing assets financial forecasting and valuations model, with feeds from various sources to serve asset management and appraisal needs.
a dashboarding and reporting system to enable major works contract management for a large social housing organisation
planned maintenance modelling across Asprey products and third-party products to inform capital works plans
compliance KPI reporting to consolidate disparate data sources into a single central model
a comprehensive dashboard system for expert analytics and reporting of all available information on assets that provides a comprehensive front end reporting and analytics overlay for Asprey products and third-party systems, combining outputs to provide meaningful analytics.
An organisation wide corporate reporting solution delivering comprehensive analytics dashboards and reports from underlying systems
Dashboards that harvest relevant KPI data and report upon it promptly and robustly
Board & Executive reporting portals, holding dashboards, minutes, papers and specific updates for each meeting with full history
We should not only use the brains we have, but all that we can borrow
Woodrow Wilson
Strategic, creative and solution driven
AspreyBI is a growing dedicated division of Asprey Management Solutions, staffed by specialists in the realms of finance, data analysis, Business Intelligence development, social housing and corporate strategy.
Along with the existing knowledge from our asset management business, plus the 30+ years privatisation and corporate finance of Asprey's senior management, you have a winning team for business intelligence services.
Fundamental to all of our projects is BI knowledge transfer, ensuring your users are in control and are able to expand the business intelligence solutions delivered, allowing them to transform complex data into business insights to share across your organisation, allowing you to: